Saturday, April 11, 2009


There are Triangle(s) in building a garage!! Thanks Guys for all your hard work!


srp said...

Now that is getting down to the bare bones of the building.... I hope our garden room goes up this efficiently... if it ever gets past the HOA phase. Nice work.
My triangles are here.

jams o donnell said...

Nice shot! Great choice for this week's theme.

Teena in Toronto said...

Lots and lots of triangles!

I played too :)

Rebecca Mecomber said...

Nice! I hope to see some activity like that, soon! I hope you have a chance to see mine.

Kim said...

Love your take on this weeks theme. Great photo too!

I found it hard to find triangles in my house this week but I did finally find some.

Mine's up and ready...come on over!

Lizzie said...

great triangle find :)

Carla said...

O-O, Send them to mine house (and have them bring their triangles:)

The Blonde Duck said...

I hope you have a good weekend!