Monday, January 12, 2009

Birthday with friends

We celebrated my daughters 20th birthday this Friday by going out to dinner with a couple of her best friends.
You would not believe what all they have in their purses!! Looks like they are going somewhere for the weekend to me. JK!! JK!!

Ohhh to be young again!!! My daughter made everyone the beaded bracelets for christmas - Aren't they cute??


Rachel said...

Too cute! Happy Birthday to her!

Shalee- Be Speechless said...

Yeah for birthdays... My husband makes fun of me because I have everything in my purse!
Like seriously everything, wallet ( big wallet), planner, allergy medicine, headache medicine, candy, tons of pens, hair ties, hair clips, haha the list can go on and on

Anonymous said...

I was raised to always be prepared. :>) That means carrying the world in your purse. Men may tease us but my husband always hands me things to put in my purse whenever we're traveling or shopping.

The Blonde Duck said...

Stopped in from SITS to say hi!

Anonymous said...

Aw! They are cute!

My husband calls my purse my 'suitcase'!

LORI said...


Carla said...

hoodies, purses, bracelets, ahhh its good to be a girl:)

Thank you for your kind words!

Megan said...

Fun! Happy Birthday to your daughter!

Thanks for visiting me. =)

Lizzie said...

ohhh makes me want to go to a craft store and make everyone bracelets. fond memories there :) thanks for sharing!

Tara Bennett said...

Oh.... that is seriously so sweet! Happy BDay to your daughter!

Shanda said...

I love it! Big purses, beaded bracelets and all. How wonderful that she has great girlfriends!

Tammy ~ Country Girl at Home ~ said...

Hi there MindyLew!

Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving the sweet comments for my mom's birthday (and Elvis')! :)

I love finding new blogs.

Happy Birthday to your daughter! I have a son that will soon be March! They grow up too quickly, don't they?

I love the bracelets! I know the girls did too!

Have a great day and come back and visit sometime!


MaricrisG said...

I love the bracelets! That is just sweet of her. Great friendships. Happy Birthday {belated}!

Country Girl said...

This is a sweet post! Don't you love how they all wear hoodies and stuff everything they own into their handbags?
And such lovely hands. Oh, to be young!!